ELITE Powerlifter ANATOLY Use 32kg Mop in a GYM | Pretended to be a CLEANER #32
✅ My PowerBuilding program for Home & GYM https://shmondenkovladimir.com ✅ https://anatolyfit.com/ ☝️This is what few individuals know and do. But this what makes them a champion! ✅ My supplements https://arribanutrition.com How’s going guys 👋 I’m Vladimir,...
ELITE Powerlifter ANATOLY Use 32kg Mop in a GYM #anatoly #fitness #gym
Mopping like this🤭 ✅My unique PowerBuilding program for Home & GYM https://shmondenkovladimir.com
FAKE WEIGHTS in gym PRANK… | ANATOLY pretended to be a Beginner #14
✅ My PowerBuilding program for Home & GYM https://shmondenkovladimir.com Elite Powerlifter Pretended to be BEGINNER in a GYM again! ✅ https://anatolyfit.com/ ☝️This is what few individuals know and do. But this what makes them a champion! ✅ My supplements...